Monday 20 July 2009

As promissed

A longer more detailed blog about my week away to Wales. Well I suppose I should start at the very beginning and the mad dash that haunts me every holiday on the morning of going away. I see it now as the starter gun in the race of any holiday and without it I doubt I'd feel I'd really gone away at all. This one wasn't too bad, as I'd packed everything in good time, made my sandwiches for the coach, double checked the tickets and keys to the chalet and most importantly not got drunk the night before leaving. So yes all was looking well until the inevitable happened. We had left Martin's flat and were on our way to the train station when I realised I didn't have my wallet. Panic struck and a thousand locations flashed through my mind, my house, my dads car, the pub, my other trousers, my suitcase.....where the bloody hell was it? Martin raced back to his to check for it and a stressful phone call comprised mainly of "It's not there? Well it's not here either" "No its definitely not in the flat" "Well I haven't got it" round and round it went in a horrible semantic circle. Until Hurrah, there it was wedged down the back of Martin's sofa. A swift jog to the train station later we discovered we had precisely 3 minutes to catch our train and what's that?? A massive queue!!! So we did what any good Englishman would do under the circumstances and loudly complained of our situation in the hope of a queue jump. The other's in the queue were good sorts and kindly let us go before them. With precisely 30 second before the train was due to leave we bounded down the stairs, my wheeled suitcase had flipped over so I was forced to drag it down the stairs scraping the fabric and risking the jar of coffee packed neatly in the front. I should imagine I had a hilarious expression on my face of "I don't care if my suitcase explodes and my nickers fly over the tracks, I am NOT going to miss this train". So we jumped on the train red faced and out of breath relieved that we hadn't missed it and found our seats. The train rather embarrassingly sat in the station for a further minute, but being good English sorts no one mentioned this. And on we went, the rest of the journey went extremely smoothly until there we were in wales in the torrential rain with no idea as to the location of our chalet. Ahh to the pub please taxi driver, yes the nearest pub.So we wet our whistles and asked the locals for help, which they duely gave. Up the hill and to our chalet, rain rain rain rain. We got there drenched to the skin but glad to be home, and the bottle of wine left for us on the kitchen counter, well that was definitely a sight for sore eyes. So with a rum and coke and some Delicious bacon and onion soup we had arrived, ready for our adventure to begin.

That's it for the first installment, I'm off now to have an adventure with Siobhan, but I'll let you in on the gory welsh details later. They'll be guns, rabbits, rock climbing, coastal path walks, secret beaches and make shift drum kits.

Sunday 19 July 2009

A week away in Wales

Well this is going to be a short one as I'll probably do a better blog about my week away tommorrow. Ahh it was a beauty though, and that is something coming from me. After spending three years living in Wales it perhaps has not gone unnoticed that I've a love/hate relationship with the place. But dear me, Nolton Haven is beautiful AND it only rained for 24 hours, believe me that is good going.

I'll leave you with some pics and tell you all about it tommorrow.