Thursday 26 February 2009

25 Things About Me (From Facebook)

1. When I was about 10 years old I appeared as an extra on ITV's Popular Police drama, The Bill.

2. When I was about 10 and two months old I was extremely disappointed to find that my television debut amounted to a half second shot of a burnt photograph of me. ( I only knew it was me because I recognised my denim jacket.)

3. I have broken four bones in my lifetime. All in the same day. All in my right foot. I was around 12 years old.

4. My parents only recently found out that I broke my foot by jumping off a mates shed. They believed me when I told them I fell off the patio.

5. Once on the way to college I decided to check my appearance in the wing mirror of a car. After a fair old while I realised there was music coming from inside the car. I turned around to see an elderly man staring at me from the drivers seat. He did not look amused.

6. The first album I ever bought was Pulp "his n hers" in 1994/5.

7. The first music festival I ever went to was V 96. I went with my Mum.

8. I have a few scars, most are not prominent. The most noticeable is on my neck. Its about 4 inches long and is the result of having a cyst removed.

9.I had three staples put in my head to close a wound I made on my 17th birthday. I got too drunk and fell over in the sunrooms car park. In A&E I was told off for making faces at my brother and was promptly thrown out of the X-ray department for trespassing.

10. I have fallen asleep standing up in my parents garden shed.

11. My favourite poem at the moment is "Genius of the Crowd" by Charles Bukowski.

12. My Favourite book at the moment is "The Fall" by Albert Camus.

13. When I was little my favourite toy was a cabbage patch kid who I named "Silly-up Bert". He was later destroyed when, going through a Goth phase, my mate and me decided he would look cool hanging from my ceiling covered in fake blood and pins. I never really wanted to hang Silly-up Bert from the ceiling but was "too cool" to say anything and took him down as soon as my mate left.

14. The story in No.13 still makes me a little bit sad.

15. The fact that Nora wrote most of her list in the third person made me a little bit annoyed when reading it.

16. After watching an episode of 999 lifesavers when I was young I became obsessed with the notion that our house was going to burn down as I slept. This thought would keep me awake many nights.

17. If people ask me what my favourite film is I generally say Rebel Without a Cause.

18. I played the roles of "Hawaiian Girl" and "Stranger No.3" in my playschool and Infant School nativity plays. On reflection I think they probably made these roles up.

19. My first gig was at The Grand Hotel. I was so nervous I didn't let any of my friends come to it and sat pretty much with my back to the audience while playing.

20. I wanted to be a dog when I grew up.

21. When I was in secondary school I lost somebodies German exchange partner.

22. Me and My brother used to set Home Alone style traps for my dad. They always worked.

23. I would put hairnets, people singing along to songs when they don't know the words, anyone who would describe themselves as "mad" or "crazy", the sound of things scraping against the ice when you get them out of the freezer and the word "guesstimate" into Room 101. Though the second one is excusable when drunk.

24. If I live to be a pensioner I am going to steal from shops. I also intend to offer mints to stangers on buses and then give them raw mince meat if they accept.

25. I am rather good at rock, paper, scissors.


  1. Sophia
    I love your blog and I think you need to write more, I'm always nagging Shiv too. Maybe you should do a joint blog, one posting a day each to get your writerly directions flowing.
    No.13 made me sad. Shiv did that to a tiny tears in her room and it was scary. Meghan's cabbage patch doll was called Henry and I've kept her/him along with Shiv's puffalump and my teddy bear from when i was little who I named Joe as in the song that begins 'say it aint so Joe'

    Today the insides of my elbows ache from painting my cupboards. I didnt even think there were muscles there?

    I'm goingto give up on blogs and just be an annoying commentator.

  2. p.s the word I had to verify to post the last comment was blava
    do you think they are trying to tell me something?

  3. Sorry to hear about your elbows (I think that is the first time I have ever used that sentence and, quite regretably I feel it will be the last.) I hope they feel better now though. Being a commentator sounds swell, though I think you should definately do it in the style of a film noir protagonist!!

    Aww Henry, Pufferlump and Joe! I'm well Jeal, alas I am sure Silly-up Bert would have got on with them famously.
