Thursday 26 February 2009

This is the End

After being pointed in this direction by Siobhan I have decided to start a Blog. So what has happened so far this morning? I arose at 7.45am not bad for an unemployed! I have had two cups of tea, a cigarette and two scotch pancakes and am feeling rather chipper. I feel today will be a huge contrast to yesterday's breakdowns (Causes: 1. My incompetence at navigating the libraries reference system 2. An article I read about a Prosopagnosia sufferer who could only recognise his wife in Tesco if she wore a red jumper 3. Almost crying because of a scene in Gilmore Girls 4. Almost crying because I was Watching Gilmore Girls.) (Un)Fortunately I have a group interview later for a job selling life insurance, I have been informed by the agency that it will consist mainly of team-building excersises and trying to sell mystery products to the group. I hate group interviews and have had many, the worst one was probably being forced to do a dance in the basement of the Lush shop in Southend. God, I HATE group interviews. If they ask me to describe myself in three words I shall be forced to say "Sticky Back Plastic." Oh well, I suppose it is only an hour of my life and I might aswell pretend to be a soulless-yet-very-bubbly selling machine, God knows I need the money. So yes, I shall be zainey, wackey, mad and crazy with good eye-contact and the ability to lead a conversation and make it up to my soul later. If that doesn't work I will jump up and down with my bum in the air, I've heard that's the kind of thing they're after. Oh well onwards and upwards, I shall fill you in on the key embarrassments later.

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