Spent a fun and boozy one round Shiv's last night but seem to have made it through without a hangover, very pleasant. I must've been all the pears in the "el soleill" (Don't think that's right what was it called shiv?)mighty fine box 'o' wine I dare say. Siobhan excelled herself with the selection of trash TV brought to the table, my personal favourite comment of the night being, "A drunk woman? 8 months pregnant? attacks a policeman?? YESSS!!!" It truly was right up our streets, or should I say our Street-Crime Uk's.
I spent a rainy unemployed day taking photos of things in my house and pretending to be good at it. It was fun. Here are a few of my attempts. I have been told that the pic of my toes was "a perfect example of a photographic cliche" Oh Well...

I have also put a few new (old) recordings up on this site They are all pretty poor quality recordings, done on either my digital camera or mp3 player. Still perhaps it adds character.