Wednesday 25 March 2009

Feeling Chipper, Wealthy Tipper.

I am feeling rather fine and dandy today and was in a particularly swell mood for most of yesterday. I think there may be something in the air, because it definately can't be the weather that's put me in the most finest of fine fancies. Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, rain, SLEET.....and sun. That's how I would describe today if I were Michael Fish, or perhaps Jeremy Paxman as shown in this little gem.

Spent a fun and boozy one round Shiv's last night but seem to have made it through without a hangover, very pleasant. I must've been all the pears in the "el soleill" (Don't think that's right what was it called shiv?)mighty fine box 'o' wine I dare say. Siobhan excelled herself with the selection of trash TV brought to the table, my personal favourite comment of the night being, "A drunk woman? 8 months pregnant? attacks a policeman?? YESSS!!!" It truly was right up our streets, or should I say our Street-Crime Uk's.

I spent a rainy unemployed day taking photos of things in my house and pretending to be good at it. It was fun. Here are a few of my attempts. I have been told that the pic of my toes was "a perfect example of a photographic cliche" Oh Well...

I have also put a few new (old) recordings up on this site They are all pretty poor quality recordings, done on either my digital camera or mp3 player. Still perhaps it adds character.

1 comment:

  1. Alreet Curly Toes McGraw

    I can't remember the name 'o' the wine and am too heffin' t'move! 'Le Soleil' as in french: sun... it certainly warmed my heart (and made me feel a bit sick). I didn't have a hangover either, must have been the 2 pints of water I drunk whilst chain-smoking/watching Coleens Real Women!

    Looking forward to a boozy weekend with ya!

