Tuesday 2 June 2009

This week is shaping up to be very pleasing indeed. I spent last night recording two songs or rather Dave spent last night recording two of my songs and I'm pretty pleased with how they've turned out. Both pretty simple recordings, vocals and guitar (albeit Dave's 12 string guitar in places) but I like them nonetheless. This afternoon has been mostly spent sitting in the sheltered sun of the garden reading The Plague. Perhaps not the most "summery" of summer reads, but there we are. I even have a little colour now which has made me look a little less like the anemic Goth I saw in an old photo I found whilst sorting out my old GCSE folders. It was quite strange to see all my old school books, but did make me laugh to see that in place of a parent’s signature in my homework diary were the names "Colonel Mustard" "Sophie's Mum" and "The Cat" for three successive weeks. I am guessing that the angry red signature next to them means my head of year was informed of this most grievous act. Apparently I also have permission to wear trainers until the 25/1/02 a right which I can only hope I capitalised on. I also found an old poetry/lyric book from when I was around 14. Angst is not the word! Some of it was pretty hard to read, at least without pangs of embarrassment and guilt at what a self-righteous little thing I was, I certainly did have the teen blinkers on when I was that age. I think my favourite embarrassing line was

"I feel like a piece of gum
Stuck underneath the table of life."

Very deep, I'm sure.

Tonight me and Siobhan are finally going to watch Slumdog Millionaire and tomorrow will be a day spent taking photographs of the great unwashed, either that or we'll find a nice little country scene.

So yes, a very pleasing start to the week!


  1. It sounds like a wonderful week! I still I have my teen poetry! I wrote one called 'heroin' with genius double meaning and symbolism about someone 'addicted' to their hero. Oh God!x

  2. Ha I love it, I can just imagine both of us sitting in our bedrooms going "that's it, I've got it...urgh WHY does no appreciate my genius." Ahh teen poetry eh? I was rather confused about the war poetry I wrote though, I seem to have forgotten the part of my life I spent fighting in WW2.
